Plant a Pollinator Garden

Plant a Pollinator Garden

Reems Creek NurserySaturday, July 110:00 am – 11:30 pmWith Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez Create a smorgasbord of beautiful blooming plants and butterfly host plants that provide a nurturing, delightful habitat for pollinators. Bee sweet to our pollinators!...
Plant A Pollinator Garden

Plant A Pollinator Garden

Reems Creek NurserySaturday, June 2410:00 am – 11:30 pmWith Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez Bee sweet to our pollinators! Whether you are planting porch pots or entire yards…plant it and they will come! Create a smorgasbord of beautiful blooming plants and...
Veggie Garden Success

Veggie Garden Success

A few hints to get you going this season: Start small. You can grow a lot of food in a 4 x 8 bed. Choose a full sun site – minimum 6-8 hours direct sun. Site near a water spigot for convenience. Avoid siting your garden in a frost pocket. Locate your garden where you...
Pollinator Garden Tour

Pollinator Garden Tour

Pollinator Garden TourSat, July 9 at 10 AMReems Creek NurseryWith Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez Pollinator Garden Tour – we’ll have a casual discussion of our favorite pollinator plants including design considerations for your garden. In a very small space,...