by R H | Jun 15, 2022 | Workshops & Events
Pollinator Garden TourSat, July 9 at 10 AMReems Creek NurseryWith Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez Pollinator Garden Tour – we’ll have a casual discussion of our favorite pollinator plants including design considerations for your garden. In a very small space,...
by R H | Jun 8, 2022 | Workshops & Events
Mushroom Log Cultivation & Care Reems Creek Nursery Sat, June 25 from 10 -11 amWith Jesse Cerrato & Travis Hansen Grow your own edible mushrooms! From sterile mushroom cultivation, to open-air, low-cost techniques, we will discuss readily-available resources...
by R H | Jun 6, 2022 | Blog
Ladybugs can control pests naturally. Did you know? Each ladybug will eat 50 or more aphids per day. If they lay eggs on your plant, when the eggs hatch their larva will eat aphids with great enthusiasm too! For best success with ladybugs: 1) Refrigerate your...
by R H | May 23, 2022 | Workshops & Events
Reems Creek NurserySaturday, June 1810:00 am – 11:30 pmWith Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez Bee sweet to our pollinators! Whether you are planting porch pots or entire yards…just get planting. Create a smorgasbord of beautiful blooming plants and butterfly host...
by R H | Apr 26, 2022 | Blog
IT’S EARTH DAY and we are celebrating the beauty and wonder that plants bring to our planet and to our everyday lives! Imagine a world without plants…that’s hard to do because we are surrounded by plants. Just look out the window and feast your eyes on something we...