Warm Season Vegetable Gardening

Warm Season Vegetable Gardening

Warm Season Vegetable Gardening Zoom Online WorkshopSat. April 24, 202110 – 11 am, plus Q & AWith Lisa Wagner Watch the Workshop on our YouTube Channel!Here’s the link – https://youtu.be/H2_67jTm5EE A vegetable garden can be a lovely addition to home...
Fall Veggie Gardening

Fall Veggie Gardening

Zoom Online Workshop Fall Veggie Gardening Watch Recorded Presentation Now!Zoom Cloud Recording for Fall Veggie Gardening Presentation https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3OF4d5Ss-0ZOS43m6W2Ad_Q5IIPraaa8gHIYqKIEmhlu3V-U1VfIVklcRxIwYuCSPassword: v*M6bVZ8   Sat, Sept. 12,...
Growing Fruit Organically in WNC

Growing Fruit Organically in WNC

Sat. Sept 21, 2019 at 10 am With Andrew Goodheart Brown With a permaculture twist, Andrew Goodheart Brown will discuss the secrets of successfully growing organic fruit in WNC including choosing your fruit trees, siting your fruit for disease resistance and increased...