Native Plants in the Home Landscape

Native Plants in the Home Landscape

Native Plants in the Home LandscapeAt Reems Creek NurserySat. Nov. 4, 2023 at 10 amWith Libby Oswalt Come learn about the beauty and importance of native plants in our home landscapes! By planting natives we can support local wildlife, sustain biodiversity, and enjoy...
Native Plants & the Vital Landscape

Native Plants & the Vital Landscape

Sat. Sept. 14, 2019 at 10 am With Chris Davenport We will explore the many layers of a garden aflush with native plants – a garden that is pleasing to the human eye, but also serves to support our native fauna, like birds and pollinators. Chris will lead us through...
Orange Aphids on Milkweed

Orange Aphids on Milkweed

Orange aphids on your milkweed? Milkweed attracts a broad collection of bugs including the orange variety of aphids called Oleander or Milkweed Aphids. Milkweed aphids are commonly and predictably found on milkweed – usually every year. Don’t panic! Please...