Warm Season Vegetable Gardening

Warm Season Vegetable Gardening

Warm Season Vegetable Gardening Zoom Online WorkshopSat. April 24, 202110 – 11 am, plus Q & AWith Lisa Wagner Watch the Workshop on our YouTube Channel!Here’s the link – https://youtu.be/H2_67jTm5EE A vegetable garden can be a lovely addition to home...
Creating a Pocket Meadow

Creating a Pocket Meadow

ZOOM Workshop – Join us Online! Watch Recorded Presentation Now!Zoom Cloud Recording for Pocket Meadow Presentation https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/_pUlPrPh2kxJbKf99kWHZ4suIYPPT6a8hyMd_vdcxR1mgTVnzVYzAiFWwEXg9jY7Password:  9y#%f&*+ Creating a Pocket MeadowWith...
Warm-Season Vegetables – Get Growing!

Warm-Season Vegetables – Get Growing!

ZOOM Workshop – Join us Online!Followed by Q&A SessionWith Lisa WagnerSat. May 2, 2020 from 10 – 10:45AM plus Q&A Get growing your favorite veggies! Early May is the perfect time in our region to start putting in warm-season transplants and sow seeds of...
Year-round Vegetable Gardening

Year-round Vegetable Gardening

Sat. March 14, 2020 from 10-11:30 With Lisa Wagner A small-scale, carefully managed vegetable garden can be a lovely (as well as tasty) addition to home landscapes, by attention to design and plant selection. In the temperate climate of Western North Carolina,...