Fraser Fir trees, wreaths, swags, kissing balls, and garland are available at Reems Creek Nursery.

During the holiday season, we carry fragrant Fraser Fir cut trees, wreaths, swags, garland, and kissing balls grown by local tree farmers. All natural decorations bring a lush, earthy element to celebrations with family and friends. They are a wonderful alternative to plastic that eventually end up ragged and in landfills. Real plants, at the end of the holiday season, can be chipped and used in gardens and landscapes for mulch to cover beds and pathways.

As we are a small business, we try to support other small businesses in our area. Christmas tree farms are often found in areas where employment opportunities are limited, so you can feel good that you are very much helping the community you live in.

Fraser Firs (Abies fraseri) are native to the Southern Appalachian mountains, especially here in North Carolina, where they are a true alpine species found at 4500′ and above. They prefer cool temperatures and ample rainfall. Visiting Mount Mitchell State Park is an excellent way to see them in their native habitat. Notably, the summers are cool and short, while the winters are long and snowy. While they can be grown at lower altitudes, such as 3000′, they tend to be stressed by the heat which can lead to health issues and a shortened lifespan (Asheville’s altitude is roughly 2100′).

Some additional fun Fraser Fir facts:

  • Fraser firs have long lasting fragrance, sturdy yet pliable branches for holding ornaments, have beautiful foliage and a naturally pyramidal shape, with comfortable needles.
  • They are monoecious, meaning they produce both male and female cones on the same tree.
  • Red Squirrels are their #1 fans and best seed distributors. Red squirrels will bury their seeds, and being squirrels, will forget where they buried all of their seeds. This helps wild tree populations continue.
  • Tree farmers usually grow Fraser Firs by seed, no fancy grafting or tissue culture necessary.
  • It can take 12-15 years for a tree to reach 7-8′ tall. In that time they are carefully pruned, fertilized, and tended to.
  • In the wild they can grow up to 80′ tall.
  • Fraser firs are the official Christmas tree of North Carolina, and are grown on nearly 40,000 acres of land.
  • Fraser fir Christmas trees are so highly coveted that they are shipped to every state in the USA and even internationally, as far away as Japan.