• When watering, always check your houseplants for pests. Be proactive if treatment is needed so issues don’t spread. Ask us about organic solutions.
  • Don’t let ice-melting products damage your plants with salt exposure. Alternatives would be kitty litter, sawdust, or sand.
  • Pull any broadleaf weeds from your lawn. Hori Hori knives are a great tool for doing this. Quality Hori Hori knives are available in our Garden Shop.
  • You CAN plant trees and shrubs now, as long as the ground is not frozen.
  • Prune grape vines.
  • Because of our fierce December freeze, most other pruning should be left until later in the season.

  • When the ground is not wet, prepare the spot for your spring veggie garden. Don’t work wet soil. It damages your soil structure.
  • Plan your spring & summer veggie crops and flower crops. We have lots of seed choices!
  • Use a cold frame to plant cool season crops like lettuce and spinach. Remember to ventilate during sunny weather. Sluggo is a great organic solution when slugs are an issue.
  • Sharpen your tools and lawn mower blades. Tune up your lawn mower.
  • Buy something green to brighten up your January!

  • Wondering about cold-damaged plants? Watch this YouTube for advice!
  • Wondering how to protect you plants if another cold snap is predicted? We have fiberglass rods and floating row cover (for frost protection) in stock.