- Plant an asparagus* bed (a perennial vegetable) – 3 varieties of asparagus crowns in stock.
- Plant strawberries* – our bare root strawberry plants have arrived!
- Plant cool season veggies – we have a delicious selection of transplants available – sustainably raised on our Propagation Farm.
- Consider a low tunnel for frost protection – easy DIY project.
- Plant regular (not sweet) potatoes* in March. Local lore says plant on St. Patrick’s Day. We have boxed and grab-what-you-need seed potatoes in stock.
- Plant onions* – we have onion seeds, bare root onion* plants, and bare root shallots in stock.
- Plant rhubarb – we have bare root rhubarb plants in stock.
- Start transplants for warm season crops like tomatoes* and peppers*. We have many excellent seeds and seed starting supplies, including Dirtcraft’s Levitation Seedling Mix.
- Plant fruit trees* & small fruit* – fruit is in high demand and selling quickly. Many of these fruits we can only source once a year – when they’re gone, they’re gone!
- Add compost and manure to your garden beds – we love the quality of our Daddy Pete’s Mushroom Compost and Cow Manure. We also carry Daddy Pete’s Lawn & Garden, and Raised Bed Mix.
*At check-out, ask cashiers to email you a FREE How-to Garden Guide on these plants or see them here on our website.