Shade Plants for Pollinators

Shade Gardening for Pollinators

At Reems Creek Nursery
Sat, June 29, 2024
10:00 am – 11:30 pm
With Julie Wynne

This introduction into pollinator planting for shade will discuss different varieties of shade plants including native species, their pollinators, and building a healthy habitat. Knowing which pollinator plants to incorporate into your shade garden that will suit a wide variety of conditions (and how to care for them) will lead to a beautiful and successful shade garden – while helping support our large and diverse population of pollinators as well as those who take flight at night.

One garden at a time, every little bit of habitat we create makes our world a better place.




**Our classroom space is limited. If your plans change and you are unable to attend, please cancel your ticket in Eventbrite so that others may have your space. Thank you for your consideration!


Julie WynneAbout  Julie Wynne: As a Georgia native along with her travel experiences, Julie has developed a deep love and passion for all plants and especially native plants. Her experience straddles many planting zones including Hawaii where she worked in native forest and understory restorations. Julie has been working in the plant business since 2010. She is a NC Certified Plant Professional, has been a member of the Reems Creek Nursery staff for 8 years, and now serves as the Perennial Department Coordinator. She spends her spare time hiking and wildflower-journaling and loves organic vegetable gardening.