Featuring Artists from the Reems Creek Nursery Staff
Sat. Dec. 4
Art Show! Join us on Sat, Dec. 4 for a mini-art/craft show featuring four creative staff members at Reems Creek Nursery – artists Joel Cole, Jayne Harnett-Hargrove, Tanya LaCorte, and Claire Simpson Jones. Please pop in for a chance to see their work and purchase works directly from the artists. The art show will be located in the lower Garden Shop.

Joel Cole is a native to Weaverville who studied under City and Guilds of London for faux finishes, lived in New York City until 1994, returning home to expand his gardening and painting skills for a simpler life. In this show, gardening aprons crafted by Joel will also be available.

Tanya LaCorte started designing clothes when she lived in New York City and later opened her store, Gallerie Noire, in New Hope, PA in the early 90’s. She recently started designing again and enjoys working with new and vintage fabrics.

Jayne Harnett-Hargrove is cross trained in the traditional arts whose output encompasses illustration, word-wrangling and free-style graphic novels exploring the road of memory, and personal myth. She will have works on paper & board, and Meraki (her quarterly perzines) on hand.

Claire Simpson Jones works primarily with watercolor, striving to capture the impact nature has on our lives. Whether painting landscapes or women in nature, her work reflects her deeply rooted passion for our natural environment.