Sat. Feb. 17, 2024
2 – 3:30 PM
With Randal Pfleger
During this workshop, we will focus on fruit trees (apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, figs, mulberries, elderberries, and hazelnuts) in our yards, landscapes, and backyard orchards. There will also be a brief discussion of small fruits including blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and grapes. We will discuss tools, techniques, and rationales for pruning. There will be hands-on pruning during this class. Bring your favorite hand pruners, loppers, and/or pruning saws.

About Randal Pfleger: Randal is the nursery stock (tree and shrub) coordinator at Reems Creek Nursery. He has previously worked as a nurseryman, landscaper, community gardener, and permaculturist doing design, installation, and maintenance of residential, commercial, and farm scale landscapes. He has training and certification as a Master Gardener and community herbalist.