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Creating a Pocket Meadow
With Lisa Wagner
Sat. May 16, 2020
from 10 – 11 AM plus Q&A
“Pocket” meadows of largely native plants provide an attractive, low-maintenance, and wildlife-friendly alternative to traditional perennial plantings, great for small-scale plantings around mailboxes, along driveways, or next to the back door. Unlike larger meadow plantings, small, informal, and simply managed meadows can be tucked into a variety of spaces in private and public landscapes, providing habitat and sustenance for pollinators and other insects, as well as being attractive landscape additions.
This workshop has already occurred.

About Lisa: Lisa Wagner served as Director of Education at the South Carolina Botanical Garden, Clemson University for over 20 years. A plant ecologist by background, she’s also a gardener, naturalist, writer, blogger, and educator. She does frequent presentations and classes on a variety of topics including native plants for pollinators, gardening for nature, hands-on perennials, and four-season vegetable gardening, now as a volunteer. She does landscape consultations to benefit programs at non-profits in the Carolinas, especially gardens. Her blog Natural Gardening reflects her gardening and nature experiences over the last decade.