Reems Creek Nursery
Saturday, June 18
10:00 am – 11:30 pm
With Tanya LaCorte and Ruth Gonzalez
Bee sweet to our pollinators! Whether you are planting porch pots or entire yards…just get planting. Create a smorgasbord of beautiful blooming plants and butterfly host plants that provide much-needed habitat for pollinators, butterflies, and hummingbirds. With an emphasis on native plants, these lively gardens are full of color, support wildlife, and bring you delight throughout the season.
We’ll discuss the basic needs of any pollinator garden, how to enhance the effectiveness of your pollinator habitat, and touch on certifying your Pollinator Habitat through Asheville-Bee City USA.
One garden at a time, every little bit of habitat makes our world a better place.
**Our classroom space is limited. If your plans change and you are unable to attend, please cancel your ticket in Eventbrite so that others may have your space. Thank you for your consideration!
This workshop has already occurred.

About Tanya LaCorte: Tanya grew up in Ireland gardening on her grandparent’s farm. Her passion for gardening was reignited when she moved to Western North Carolina. Specializing in perennials, she wants to inspire people to find the enchantment offered by plants and nature.

About Ruth Gonzalez: Ruth has actively gardened since her college years – ranging from organic market farming to tiny space gardens to gardening for pollinators. Organic gardening, pollinator habitat, and beauty are her passions. Ruth has worked at Reems Creek Nursery since 2003, inspired by an ever-widening array of plant palettes, landscape design approaches, and the desire to nurture nature.