Let’s make the world a greener place!
Mission: At Reems Creek Nursery, Inc. we are plant people, devoted to helping our customers improve the world around them with beautiful plants. We create natural beauty while cultivating customer and employee relationships that foster growth, knowledge, and goodwill within our community and environment.
Sustainability: Reems Creek Nursery, Inc. strives to source as many plants as possible that have been grown without the use neonicotinoid insecticides because of their detrimental effect on pollinators, especially pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Reems Creek Nursery has a Xerces Society designated Pollinator Habitat, and is registered with Monarch Watch as a Monarch Waystation. We are also certified by Bee City USA-Asheville as a Pollinator Habitat, and as a Wildlife Habitat through The National Wildlife Federation. Located straight out the back door of the Garden Shop, our Pollinator Garden provides food for pollinators throughout the growing season. Our giant milkweed patch/Monarch Waystation is located near the back corner of the greenhouse. We will happily adopt your monarch caterpillars if your milkweed supply runs low.
We adopt caterpillars!